A better marketplace
Markot is a curated marketplace for the most sought-after baby brands around the world. Buy and sell seamlessly, simply and sustainably.
Everything is authenticated.
Our team of expert curators checks every single item to make sure you get exactly what you paid for.
Easier than ever before.
Sellers get sent a box and a courier then picks it up or you can send it to us. Buyers simply wait for their purchase to arrive.
Security first.
Our marketplace technology is of the highest standards and we work with global partners who are committed to securing your personal information.
Don’t talk to strangers.
Say goodbye to the marketplaces where strangers turn up at your door and walk through your home. Say hello to a new level of safety and convenience
Our Story

Markot was born shortly after Jack was.

It all began one night when Jack’s parents, Rob and Nicole, were at home looking around in dismay at all the items they had bought for their baby boy.

There was a hardly used Snoo, a pram or two, and they wondered…what are we going to do?

You see, they were eager to sell some of these beautiful baby items, but just didn’t know how. The available options made life harder, not easier. Marketplaces where it was complicated to sell; where buyers haggled incessantly; where strangers came into your home or sometimes didn’t turn up at all.

So Rob and Nicole thought: there has to be a simpler way. And so that’s how Markot was born.

A curated marketplace for the baby brands you love, Markot is simple, seamless, safe and sanitises those pre-loved items you’re welcoming into your home. That’s right, all pre-loved items are authenticated, checked and cleaned by the Markot team before being passed on to a new family.

You see, by rethinking how we pass along the items we love, we do good things for both families and for the planet.

But above all else, Markot is a community that’s creating a better way. Whether you’re preparing for the birth of your child or at a stage where they’re growing up too fast, Markot is a considered community that’s passionate about the babyverse and dedicated to sustainability.

We are simply where you’ll find it all.

So welcome to Markot…we hope you enjoy your stay.

Our Story